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Welcome to the BFW Düren

The Berufsförderungswerk Düren (Abbreviation: BFW) was founded in 1975. Düren is located approx. 35 km south-west to the city of Cologne. The main task of the BFW is the vocational training of people who are not longer able to continue in their profession because of their visual impairment.

The BFW Düren offers an allround service for people with visual impairment, their relatives and employers. All these services are separated in modules and can be combined corresponding to the demands of our clients. The following services are provided:

  • All day living skills
  • mobility training
  • consulting optical and electronic devices
  • job assessment
  • consulting for employers
  • vocational training
  • training on the job
  • customized IT training on the job
  • job placement
  • disabillity management

The BFW Düren has a branche to decentralize it’s services to the benefit of the clients. The branch is localized in Hamburg. The Berufsförderungswerk Düren offers training for approx. 200 blind and visually impaired people and has an administrative and training staff with about 124 employees.


Individual counselling; conducting vocational assessment programs; in-depth training of work techniques for blind and visually impaired adults; vocational training and further qualifications, continually modified according to the current needs on the labour market; individual job placement strategies; these are the areas in which the Berufsförderungswerk Düren has specified, a vocational training centre for blind and visually impaired adults. The vocational training centre is situated at the river Rur, between the two cities of Aachen and Cologne and has a long standing tradition in its field. In 1960 the first vocational training institute was founded for blind adults. In 1975 this became the ‘Berufsförderungswerk’ as it is known today, registered as a non-profit limited company. The legal form has changed, the objective has stayed the same: the vocational training of blind and visually impaired adults. The training-courses for blind and visually impaired adults are integrational and both customer and process orientated.

Next to functional competence the training of keyqualifications is a major feature of the vocational training, i. e. working responsibly, spotting problems and developing solutions. There is a strong interrelation between theoretical and practical training areas.

In this the motto is, to offer vocational training and further qualification which is both individual and labour market orientated. In cooperation with the labour office the Berufsförderungswerk offers active support towards finding a job after the vocational training. This includes the area of technical equipment of the work place.

The hall of residence which is part of the Berufsförderungswerk can take up to 200 participants. Each person has a single bedroom with bathroom and toilet and three meals a day are on offer. There is a wide range of recreational activities in the areas of sports, creativity and social engagements, which are on offer in the evenings and at the weekends.


European activities

Since 1998 the BFW is active in several national and European projects considering developing new training and ICT courses and Software.


The BFW Düren is a foundation member of the European Network for Visually Impaired Training, Education and Research – ENVITER

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